How to start a youtube channel and earn money

In the YouTube video, experts share their advice on how to monetize your YouTube channel and money. In this article, we will discuss How to start a youtube channel and earn money online in detail. YouTube is a global community of millions of creators who share their videos with a massive audience, and there are several ways to build a successful channel. If you have a knack for creating videos and have a topic that inspires a passionate community, monetizing your channel might be a good option for you. In this video, experts share their advice on how to monetize your YouTube channel.
Table of Contents
How to Set Up Your Youtube Channel and earn money
You can set up your channel with your Gmail account. It is a very easy process. Follow the following process to create a Youtube channel
- If you have Gmail account then you can Sign in to Youtube
- Attach picture in the top right corner desktop version
- Then select to “Create a Channel”
- Name your channel, it should be good looking, short
- Add all details to the “about” section
- Customize the channel with a cover photo and a profile picture
- Then upload the video and Use eye-catching channel art and thumbnails
- Create playlists, add video to the playlist

How to setup youtube channel and earn money
The first step is to make sure that your channel is set up for monetization. This process is easy: just head over to monetization and click on the “Enable My Account” button. You’ll need to provide some basic information about your channel, and then you’ll be good to go. Once your channel is enabled for monetization, you can start making money from your videos.
How to create a watch page
Your watch page is essentially your YouTube homepage. This is the page that your viewers will see when they land on your channel. It’s important to make sure your watch page is optimized for traffic and conversions. You can do this by using the right keywords in your titles, tags, and descriptions. When you use the right keywords, you’ll make it easier for people to find your channel and watch your videos.
How to choose the right monetization option
There are a few different ways to monetize your YouTube channel. AdSense is the most common option, and it’s what you’ll use to run ads on your videos. You’ll get paid every time someone clicks on an ad. You can also use YouTube’s Merchandise feature to sell products related to your channel. This can be anything from T-shirts to phone cases. Finally, you can use YouTube’s sponsorship program to partner with brands and make money from sponsored videos.
You can also monetization with affiliate marketing. You can sell others’ products by a genuine review. The best affiliate website is Amazon, Flipkart for physical products, clickbank, CJ Affiliate for digital products.

How to get started earning on YouTube
So you want to start earning money on YouTube? Great! The process is actually pretty simple.
- Become a YouTube Partner and earn money from ads.
- Sell different products or merchandise company products.
- Crowdfund your next creative project.
- Let your audience support your work through “fan funding.”
- Become an influencer or affiliate
How to Grow Your YouTube Channel
- Find unique and untapped Video Keywords
- Create good quality videos and optimized it
- Optimize YouTube Videos with related keywords and tags
- Use eye catching thumbnails that will stand out among yours users
- Create, promote and optimized playlists with related keywords
- Promote videos to your viewers
- Turn viewers into Subscribers for your channel by giving them some values.
By monetizing your channel, you can receive a portion of the revenue generated by ads appearing on your videos. YouTube will notify you when you’re eligible to begin receiving this money and how much it will be. However, once earnings start accruing, there is no way to know exactly when or if they’ll ever be sent out; the volume of views and subscribers play a big role in determining whether or not you get paid for your content.